

©Paul Lane


Often found carpeting damp grassland and woodland clearings, the blue flower spikes of bugle are very recognisable. A short, creeping plant, it spreads using runners.

Enw gwyddonol

Ajuga reptans

Pryd i'w gweld

April to July

Species information


The deep blue flower spikes of bugle can be found carpeting damp grasslands, scrub and woodland clearings on fertile soils. Spreading by means of overground runners that frequently root, it flowers between April and July and is attractive to a variety of insects including white-tailed bumblebees, green-veined white butterflies, silver Y moths and common carder Bees.

Sut i'w hadnabod

Low-growing and creeping, bugle has large, oval leaves spread out in a rosette at its base, and smaller leaves growing up its flower spike. Small, purple flowers with protruding stamen sprout in between the leaves and are shaped like skirted ladies, often with faint stripes running down them.



Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

A closely related species, the pyramidal bugle, is slightly denser in build and has darker leaves with an almost reddish-purple tinge. The pyramidal bugle is classified as a Priority Species under the UK Post-2010 Biodiversity Framework because it is declining.