Bloody-nosed Beetle ©Bruce Shortland

Bloody-nosed Beetle ©Philip Precey
Bloody-nosed beetle
The common name of the bloody-nosed beetle derives from its unusual defence mechanism: when threatened, it secretes a distasteful blood-red liquid from its mouth. This flightless beetle can be found on grassland and heathland, and along hedgerows.
Enw gwyddonol
Timarcha tenebricosaPryd i'w gweld
April to SeptemberSpecies information
The bloody-nosed beetle is a large, round, flightless beetle with long legs that can often be seen plodding across paths or through grass. It can be found during the spring and summer in grassland, heathland and along hedgerows. One of our largest 'leaf beetles', adults feed on the leaves of lady's bedstraw and related plants, and the larvae can be seen hanging from these species. Adults are mostly active at night.Sut i'w hadnabod
The bloody-nosed beetle is a domed, black beetle with a bluish sheen. The line running down its back gives the impression of separate wing cases, but they are actually fused together and this beetle does not fly; it is quite slow moving, in fact.Dosbarthiad
Found in South and Central England, and in Wales.Roeddech chi yn gwybod?
The bloody-nosed beetle is so-named because, when threatened, it oozes a red liquid from its face. This 'blood' is distasteful and scares-off would-be predators.Gwyliwch
Bloody-nosed beetle (
(c) Tom Hibbert