Ci glas
Mae'r rhywogaeth yma o siarc main a chain i'w gweld yn aml yn agos at y lan o amgylch ein harfordiroedd a gall dyfu i fod hyd at 6 troedfedd o hyd.
My significant other
Cathy, shepherdess, and her border collie Lady have a strong bond with each other – and with nature. From the moment she owned her first lamb Cathy knew that shepherding was the life for her;…
A new sustainable future for farming
Wildlife Trusts Wales welcomes the further opportunity to input into the proposals for the new Welsh Governments Sustainable Farming Scheme. The Scheme seeks to pay farmers for the provision of…
Ci pigog
Mae'r siarc main yma’n cael ei enw o'r pigau o flaen ei asgell ddorsal. Gall ddefnyddio'r pigau yma i amddiffyn ei hun drwy gyrlio mewn bwa a tharo ysglyfaethwr.
Tansy is an aromatic plant of rough grassland, riverbanks and verges that has button-like, yellow flower heads. It is the main foodplant of the rare Tansy Beetle, now found at only two places in…
Round-leaved fluellen
A 'weed' of cultivated and disturbed ground, Round-leaved fluellen is a trailing plant with round leaves and yellow flowers that appear over summer.
How to be an eco-friendly pet owner
Caring for a pet is a rewarding experience that doesn't have to cost the earth.
Types of development and planning applications
The National Lottery Heritage Fund
Spotted flycatcher
Watch the deadly accurate flying of the spotted flycatcher in woodlands, gardens and parks. It sits quietly on a perch waiting for an unsuspecting insect to fly by, deftly dashing out to seize it…
Efallai bod bronwennod yn edrych yn hoffus ond maen nhw’n gallu bwyta llygod pengrwn, llygod ac adar mewn dim o dro! Maen nhw’n perthyn i ddyfrgwn a charlymod, sy’n amlwg o weld eu corff main, hir…