Our income
Wildlife Trusts Wales receives two main types of income. Restricted (for specific projects) and unrestricted (for the ongoing delivery of our charitable objectives). We draw on a variety of funding sources to cover the costs of conservation projects, education and awareness work, and managing our network of nature reserves.
Wildlife Trusts Wales is unique because we receive restricted funds from funders and partners to be distributed to the five Wildlife Trusts in Wales. Each of these organisations is an independent charity and their financial information can be viewed on their websites.
Every single one of The Wildlife Trust’s supporters are at the heart of what we do. You make our work possible – from protecting threatened wildlife like bats, dormice and bees to saving some of the UK's last wild places and inspiring the next generation of children to love nature.
"Because it's a local charity you can see where the money goes, and appreciate the hard work that goes into it." - Wildlife Trust member
Our partners
Our work would not be possible without the help of our partners. From securing Living Seas in Wales to reintroducing beavers into the Welsh landscape, without their financial support this work would not be possible.