Nature Reserves
Most people live within a few miles of a Wildlife Trust nature reserve. From ancient woodlands to meadows and wetlands, they’re just waiting to be explored.
Most people live within a few miles of a Wildlife Trust nature reserve. From ancient woodlands to meadows and wetlands, they’re just waiting to be explored.
The Broad centurion, or 'Green soldier fly', is one of our most common soldier flies, and is often found in gardens. It has hairy eyes and a metallic blue or bronze body. It is an…
Look for the deep magenta, star-shaped flowers of Marsh cinquefoil in marshes, bogs, fens and wetlands in the north, west and east of the UK.
As its name suggests, the Marsh violet likes damp spots, such as marshes, bogs and wet woods. It is a low-growing plant with kidney-shaped leaves and pale lilac flowers.